To be honest, I am not a big fan of Padang Satay or the local calls it Sate Padang, but my good lady is.

The story goes like this … my son and I went down from our Kempinski apartment to get some food at the Food Court in Grand Indonesia mall.

I ordered a korean dish and my son ordered his fried chicken from the KFC stand. The food court was busy with customers. There was a stranger sitting next to our table, and she had a dish of Sate Padang on her table. It looked good, but I am not fond of Sate Padang. However, I asked her permission if I could take a quick snap of her dish.

Sate Padang usually uses the beef tongue and it is actually really chewy in texture. It is served with a very thick sauce made of turmeric and other ingredients.

It is apparently one of Indonesian’s signature dishes.