Looking for a cheap eat isn’t something that you can find easily these days.

Luckily you can still find a cheap eat in Richmond. It is located on Swan St, Richmond – a tiny Thai restaurant called Buddha’s Banquet.

My favorite meal is always the Pad Thai Chicken. It was used to be about $9.90 per dish, but early this year the price went up by a dollar … so it is about $10.90

They have a very unsual entree called Roti. It is like the Indian style roti, but instead of a curry as the dipping sauce, it is served with Thai peanut sauce. A strange but delicious fusion.

This restaurant isn’t for a romantic-dinner type of restaurant. This is more for a quick-bite or quick-dining type of restaurant, and friendly to your pocket.

Thai Roti
Thai Roti with Peanut Dipping Sauce

Since I am a regular customer who always order the same thing, the chef knows how I like the food to be served. A Pad Thai Chicken with some chili powder on the side with lots of vegetables and served with a chopstick.

Pad Thai Chicken at Buddha Banquet
Pad Thai Chicken at Buddha’s Banquet